Please enjoy your flying but remember the relaxation of Covid-19 regulations allowing more than 6 to be flying out of doors but still observing the distancing rules( ) should be treated with caution especially when members of the public are around. They will not be aware of the relaxation for sports out doors and may not believe you if you try to explain it.
Although the likelihood of more than 6 during the cold winter months is low but on a nice day when you go to get your fix there could be more than 6 members on site and possibly a lot more members of the public.
Please be tolerant, patient and diplomatic with members of the public.
Happy flying, when the weather gives you the opportunity.
Felix Marten ( Chairman; East Devon Radio Control Club )
If clubs wish to have more than 6 members on site, they must be compliant with COVID-19 Secure guidance which includes having a Covid-19 risk assessment and a Track and Trace protocol in place.
The EDRCC Covid-19 risk assessment has now been completed and a Track and Trace protocol is also now ready to commence.
EDRCC Covid 19 Risk Assessment
Click on link below to view:
Track and Trace
To conform with the Track & Trace protocol, the Telegram app is fit for purpose and is simpler than e-mail and is already in use by the regular flyers.
There is a separate page on Telegram Titled EDRCC COVID 19 registration. Please use this page to register your Arrival /Departure.
The data required for Track and Trace is as follows;
Apart from your Phone No. which is already held in the club’s secure data base.
Your Name, the Date, Time of arrival and Time of Departure from the Woodbury Common Flying Site.
How it Works
On arrival at the Woodbury Flying Site car park, open the Telegram app and say that you have arrived at the flying site by typing “ARRIVED”.
Then just before you drive away say that you have left the flying site by typing “DEPARTED” and that is all you need to do.
By using Telegram as above, it will automatically record that it is You, Date, Arrival and Departure Times, Job done.
If you think that you are suffering from any of the recognised symptoms of Covid-19 then you must inform the club Secretary Mike Jones immediately and self-isolate, stay at home and seek further advice.
The main symptoms are:
– A high temperature.
– A new continuous cough.
– A loss or change to your sense of smell or taste.
If you require help to join Telegram please contact the Club Secretary Mike Jones.
Any questions?
Please don’t hesitate to ask either Mike Jones or Felix Marten.